
Unit Code: TEC703 Unit Title:ย Building Construction This is a unit which offers the opportunity for teacher trainees in TVET to acquired knowledge and skills in Building Construction. Building Construction or Construction have been around for some years and is one Read More …


Unit Code: TEC702 Unit Title:ย New Product Development This unit caters as a special topics category in technology. It intends to expand teacher traineesโ€™ knowledge and skills in technological practice which involve design and product innovation. It will offer teacher trainees Read More …


Unit Code: TEC701 Unit Title:ย Graphics This is an advanced course covering techniques, processes and practice in design. Concepts in topics offered are comparative studies in the fine arts, graphic arts and industrial design, with particular applications to Technology industries to Read More …


Unit Code: TEC602 Unit Title:ย Technology Education This unit will introduce the basic knowledge and skills in technical graphics. It will begin with identifying the basic drawing instruments and how these instruments will be used. Before starting with elementary sketches, standard Read More …


Unit Code:ย TEC601 Unit Title:ย Photovoltaic System This unit will briefly cover the necessary substance that a beginner needs to gain in the Photovoltaic system. There are topics like basic electricity, safety, Module orientation and PV system sizing and the site survey Read More …


Unit Code: TEC502 Unit Title:ย Material Technology 2 โ€“ Metal This unit offers knowledge and skills in metal fabrication and other industrial materials. The other industrial materials include; plastics, fabric and composite materials. The contents of this unit introduces the terminology Read More …


Unit Code: TEC501 Unit Title:ย Material Technology 1 โ€“Wood This unit offers knowledge and skills of wood and other indigenous materials in both traditional and modern practices in Solomon Islands society.ย  The contents of the unit will provide you with the Read More …


Unit Code: HEC703 Unit Title:ย Food Management This course helps you understand what management is, its theories and approaches, principles, process, and application to food establishments. It will equip you with basic knowledge, understanding and skills in food and beverage management; Read More …


Unit Code: HEC702 Unit Title:ย Food Development This unit investigates the global perspective on food and the development of food products to promote nutrition and health. It also explores and helps you understand the food systems that ensure food and nutrition Read More …


Unit Code: HEC701 Unit Title:ย Food Development This unit investigates the global perspective on food and the development of food products to promote nutrition and health. It also explores and helps you understand the food systems that ensure food and nutrition Read More …