SINU CNP conducts in-house training for public servants

The Solomon Islands National University’s Centre for National Productivity (CNP) conducted its first in-house training for Public Servants in collaboration with the Institute of Public Administration and Management [IPAM] of the Ministry of Public Service. IPAM selected public servants from all government ministries to attend the training offered by CNP. The first training today was on Effective Communications Skills with a total of 14 participants for two days.
The training module aims to provide effective communication within the organizations to learn and apply the importance, improvement, and skills to be effective in communication.
Speaking during the opening ceremony this morning, Manager of CNP Mr. Peni Taoi stated that CNP is a newly established centre under the newly re-structured SINU as of January this year. Mr. Taoi highlighted that the training is a fulfilment of SINU’s obligation with the government through an MOU that was signed earlier this year. The manager said, by law SINU is tasked to; “improving the skills and knowledge of the existing workforces through education and training,” stated in section 6a clause 11 of the SINU Act.
The training that we offer at CNP are pathways to our programs at SINU, Mr. Peni explained, our training offerings have credit points that participants can use if they are to undertake a diploma or degree program in the future.
Director of IPAM Mr. Solomon Manea thanked SINU CNP for the partnership and he further highlighted that this is the first training under this new initiative. Mr. Solomon said, “IPAM has partnerships with other regional institutes and to have this with SINU is a milestone because training programs offered by SINU, our local institute, are contextualized to suit the Solomon Islands.”
The next training for public servants under this partnership will be on Customer Relations Management and is scheduled for next week with 12 participants already confirmed.