Graduate Diploma in Teaching Secondary

The Graduate Diploma in teaching Secondary is designed to equip teachers who had been teaching with no teacher training.ย  The Graduate Diploma in Teaching Secondary (120 Credits) is one year of full time study.

Students in the Graduate Diploma in Teaching Secondary program will take all the courses in the new Diploma programs and will graduate at the end of each year with the graduate diploma qualification.

Admission Requirements

1 Graduate Diploma in Teaching Secondary โ€“ Agriculture (Code: EGDA)

  • Has possess a College Diploma or University Degree or equivalent in Agriculture; and
  • Is working and teaching in any registered secondary school in the country or in the region for a minimum of 3 years or more; plus
  • One work reference and one character reference from immediate supervisor, career teacher, or a person in authority.


2 Graduate Diploma in Teaching Secondary – Business Studies (Code: EGDB)

  • Has possess a College Diploma or University Degree or equivalent in Business; and
  • Is working and teaching in any registered secondary school in the country or in the region for an minimum of 3 years or more; plus
  • One work reference and one character reference from immediate supervisor, career teacher, or a person in authority.
  1. Graduate Diploma in Teaching Secondary โ€“ English (Code: EGDEN)
  • Has possess a College Diploma of University Degree or equivalent in English/Literature & language; and
  • Is working and teaching in any registered secondary school in the country or in the region for a minimum of 3 years or more; plus
  • One work reference and one character reference from immediate supervisor, career teacher, or a person in authority.
  1. Graduate Diploma in Teaching Secondary โ€“ Home Economics (Code: EGDHE)
  • Has possess a College Diploma or University degree or equivalent in Home Economics and
  • Is working and teaching in any registered secondary schools in country or in the region for a minimum of 3 years or more
  • One work references and one character reference from immediate supervisor, career teacher, or a person in authority.
  1. Graduate Diploma in Teaching Secondary โ€“ Mathematics (code: EGDMA)
  • Has possesses a College Diploma or University degree or equivalent in Mathematics and
  • Is working and teaching in any registered secondary school in the country or in the region with a minimum of 3 years or more plus
  • One work reference and one character reference from immediate supervisor, career teacher, or a person in authority.
  1. Graduate Diploma in Teaching Secondary โ€“ Religious Studies (Code. EGDRE)
  • Has possess a College Diploma or University degree or equivalent in Religious Studies, and
  • Is working and teaching in any registered secondary school in the country or in the region with a minimum of 3 years or more plus
  • One work reference and one character reference from immediate supervisor, career teacher, or a person in authority.
  1. Graduate Diploma in Teaching Secondary โ€“ Science (Code: EGDSC)
  • Has possess a College Diploma or University Degree or equivalent in Science and
  • Is working and teaching in any registered secondary school in the country or in the region with a minimum of 3 years or more plus
  • One work reference and one character reference from immediate supervisor, career teacher, or a person in authority.
  1. Graduate Diploma in Teaching Secondary โ€“ Social Studies (Code: EGDSS)
  • Has possess a College Diploma or University Degree or equivalent in Science and
  • Is working and teaching in any registered secondary school in the country or in the region for a minimum of 3 years or more plus
  • One work reference and one character reference from immediate supervisor, career teacher, or a person in authority.
  1. Graduate Diploma in Teaching Secondary โ€“ Technology (Code: EGDT)
  • Has possess a College Diploma or University Degree or equivalent in Technology/Industrial Arts or equivalent and
  • Is working and teaching in any registered secondary school in the country or in the region for a minimum of 3 years or more plus
  • One work reference and one character reference from immediate supervisor, career teacher, or a person in authority.


Course Structure

Course Code: EGD
Course Name: Graduate Diploma of Teaching Secondary
Duration: 1 year in-service
Core Units:
Total Credit Points: 120
Campus: Panatina

Unit CodeUnit NamePre-requisiteSemester offeredCredit Point
ES100A/ES401Professional Studies 1110
This unit introduces student teachers to the nature of teaching and learning and the role of the teacher in enhancing learning. It prepares the student teacher to be competent in a range of skills related to effective teaching. The development of competence in teaching and curriculum skills is of great importance as all these skills are needed by a teacher. The acquisition of skills provides a foundation for the learning of more complex skills later in the program. The course also looks at learning theories and their role in understanding the learner. School culture and the part it plays in understanding the relationship between learner and teacher and the whole process of learning and teaching will be examined.
ES203ACurriculum and Assessment120
This unit introduces student teachers to the importance of curriculum and assessment. Concepts of curriculum and assessment will be explored to enable student teachers to understand that assessment is an integral part of the education process and that the curriculum sets the direction for learning for all students. Student teachers will also be given the opportunity to relate the concepts to the Solomon Islands current curriculum and how they can better teach it to students in classrooms.
ES104AIntroduction to Special Education and Inclusive Practices15
This unit introduces student teachers to the history of special education. This unit equips student teachers with sound knowledge and background understanding on the importance of special education in inclusive classrooms. Moreover, student teachers should be able to reappraise their own attitudes, values and beliefs about diversity and people with special needs in order to become effective teachers in inclusive classrooms.
ES106AEducational Leadership Management and Administration15
This unit introduces student teachers to different theories of leadership and encourages them to develop their own leadership platform and be able to explain the difference between leadership, management and administration. The course will also assist them to gain knowledge about effective leadership communication and the management of change, reflect on what it means to be a professional and the role of leadership and the community. This course will encourage student teachers to acquire skills on how to manage school system and be able to view the role of leadership in the wider profession.
Teaching Subject 1: One from the following courses
SC122ATeaching and Learning Secondary Agricultural Science120
This unit is intended for Graduate Diploma students who are currently teaching Agriculture Science in Secondary schools. Strong emphasis is placed on acquiring all the necessary competencies to teach the curriculum across the secondary education. The course focuses on Agriculture Science Education Issues in the Pacific Region and how it affects Solomon Islands as a Melanesian country. Agriculture science teachers are expected to understand their professional responsibilities as agriculture science educators and how they would help to improve the way Agriculture science is taught in the education system of the country.
SS118ALearning and Teaching Secondary Religious Education120
This unit covers the five major areas in the religious education curriculum, including: the New Testament; Personal Spiritual Growth; Christian life and Community; Church and Religion; and Moral and Ethical Issues. Students will examine the curriculum content and develop the skills to be able to teach religious education effectively in secondary schools.
SC125ALearning and Teaching Secondary Science120
This unit prepares future secondary teachers to meet the challenge of teaching science. The unit will use constructivist teaching strategies that provide the necessary skills and pedagogical understanding an individual will need to be successful as a secondary teacher of science. Areas of study include learning in science, planning for science teaching managing of science teaching, science curriculum overview, promoting gender equity in science teaching and learning and issues, reflection and growth as a teacher.
SS112ALearning and Teaching Business Studies120
The purpose of this unit is to provide student teachers with an understanding of Business Studies and its importance in teaching and learning is Solomon Islands Schools. The knowledge and skills taught in the course will equip student teachers to plan and effectively teach secondary Business Studies in order to produce meaningful integrated learning experiences.
MT151ALearning and Teaching Secondary Mathematics1120
This unit arms to prepare secondary mathematics teachers to be knowledgeable, analytical and good problem solvers. It examines the process involved in learning and teaching mathematics and incorporates current mathematics. The course incorporates the Solomon Islands mathematics curriculum and resources
LA143APrinciples of Teaching and Learning Language and Literature (not offered in Semester 1)120
This unit provides the content knowledge and strategies required to confidently teach English in a Secondary school environment. It uses appropriate social-constructivist methods of learning to develop knowledge and skills about a variety of language principles.
SS114AIntroduction to Social Studies Education120
This unit of study introduces students to pedagogies for effective teaching and learning in social studies. It explores learning based on studentsย’ observations and experiences to enhance cognitive, conceptual and behavioral outcomes. It provides opportunity for experiences in class management, creativity and questioning skills necessary for effective teaching and learning.
MT133ALearning and Teaching Home Economics 1120
This unit is an introduction to the general concepts in food and nutrition, family and management and clothing and textiles. It develops an understanding of the theoretical principles involve in practical experiences that are relevant to life. It is mainly designed to provide a framework for growth in the essential areas of life in the Solomon Islands.
MT134ALearning and Teaching Technology120
This unit helps student teachers develop capacities to be literate and skillful in technologies and develop their ability to; apply the knowledge and skills necessary to tach technology; gain experience of planning for teaching technology; and manage the teaching of Technology
TE101BTeaching Experience 12
ES102BHuman Development210
This unit is important for all teachers in the early childhood education, primary and secondary sectors in the Solomon Islands education system. It will assist student teachers to show an understanding of the way children grow and develop and some of the influences on their development. It will also help them to reflect on and consider their own development, and be able to relate to children, students and their families. Student teachers will further be encouraged to explain and critique a range of theories and their relevance for the Solomon Islands context, and be able to apply their knowledge of how children learn to their professional practices.
ES202BEducation issues in the Solomon Islands220
This unit introduces the student teacher to political, cultural, social and economic perspectives on education in the Solomon Islands. It will also help student teachers to apply these understanding in classroom practice. Stakeholders involved in the education system in the Solomon Islands are also studied as well as structure of the education under the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MEHRD).
Teaching Subject 2: One from the following courses:
SC132BLearning and Teaching Secondary Agricultural Sciences210
This unit is intended for Graduate Diploma students who want to take Agriculture Science as a teaching subject 2. The course is designed for those who are not Agricultural Science subject teachers in Secondary schools or do not have the background in agriculture content areas. Learners in this unit are those who intended to teach agriculture as a second teaching subject. Emphasis is placed on acquiring all the necessary competencies to teach the curriculum across the secondary education levels. The unit focuses on Agriculture Science Education issues in the Pacific Region and how it affects Solomon Islands as a developing country.
SC131BSecondary science210
This unit is intended for undergraduates who are not Science subject teachers in secondary schools or do not have the background in Science contents areas. Learners in this unit are those who intend to teach science as second teaching subject. Emphasis is placed on acquiring all the necessary competencies to teach science up to year 9 at secondary education levels. The unit focuses on the Nature and learning of science, preparation for teaching science and managing science teaching. Theories and best practices of science teaching will be address in this unit.
SS119BSecondary Religious Education210
This unit is designed for Graduate Diploma Students who want to take New Testaments Studies (NTS) as teaching subject2. This unit covers the five major areas in the religious education curriculum, including: the New Testament; Personal Spiritual Growth; Christian Life and Community; Church and Religion; and Moral and Ethical Issues. Student will examine the curriculum content and develop the skills to be able to teach religious education effectively in secondary schools.
MT135BSecondary Math210
This unit is designed for Graduate Diploma students who want to ta mathematics as teaching subject 2. This course aims to prepare secondary mathematics teachers to be knowledgeable, analytical and good problem solvers. It examines the process involved in learning and teaching mathematics and incorporates current mathematics education research literature to assist the development of insights regarding learning in mathematics. The unit incorporates the Solomon Islands mathematics curriculum and resources.
SS116BSecondary Business Studies210
This unit is designed for Graduate Diploma students who want to take Business Studies as a teaching subject 2. The purpose of the unit is to provide student teachers with an understanding of Business Studies and its importance in teaching and learning in Solomon Islands schools. The knowledge and skills taught in the unit will equip student teachers to plan and effectively teach secondary business studies lessons using current syllabus in schools. Opportunity will be given to teacher trainees to plan and teach lessons that will produce meaningful integrated learning experiences for their future students.
MT137BSecondary Technology210
This unit is designed for Graduate Diploma students who want to take technology as teaching subject 2. The course is designed to develop the technological capacity of the teacher trainees by learning three interrelated areas: learning in Technology, planning for teaching and managing the teaching of technology. The purpose is to develop knowledge, understanding and sills, to allow teachers to deliver quality Technology education in secondary schools in Solomon Islands.
MT136BSecondary Home Economics210
This unit is designed for those who have the knowledge and skills in Food and Nutrition, Clothing and Textiles, and Family Studies, and who wish to become teachers. It will equip teachers to teach the Home Economics course effectively to Forms 1 ย– 5 students. It will also help them understand their role in educating students and colleagues about the need for life skills, to enable them to contribute to their community and family wellbeing. Emphasis will be on the teaching of the Home Economics curriculum and raising awareness about Home Economics issues. It also focuses on the planning, development and presentation of researches, lesson plans and schemes of work and teaching resources to effectively teach the Home Economics Syllabus.
SS117BSecondary Social Studies210
This unit is designed for Graduate Diploma teacher trainees who want to take Social Studies as teaching 2. The unit aim to provide teachers with an understanding of Social Studies and its role in teaching and learning in Solomon Islands Schools. It also provides meaningful integrated learning experiences. Topics covered are similar to SS214A.
LA143BSecondary English210
This unit is designed for Graduate Diploma students who want to take English as a teaching subject 2. The course provides the content knowledge and strategies required to confidently teach English in a Secondary schools environment. It aims to use appropriately social-constructivist methods of learning to develop knowledge and skills about a variety of language principles. It is a subject content course within the Diploma in teaching program.