Unit Code: EDU701
Unit Title:ย Assessment and Evaluation
This unit is designed to extend teacher traineesโ knowledge of curriculum and educational assessment and evaluation. It will introduce trainee teachers to the current global Curriculum (special focus on Solomon Islands) and assessment principles and practices so teacher trainees understand that assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning processes and recognized that assessments (AoL, AfL, AaL) are tools used to collect evidence about studentโs academic achievement and performances. Major emphasis of this unit will be on the planning and assessment of the current Solomon Islandsโ curriculum formatively or summatively. This will include writing and unpacking learning outcomes, assessment using achievement levels, monitoring, intervention and reporting strategies. It will also provide opportunities for trainee teachers at the under graduate level to plan and develop summative test items, blueprint, do item writing, moderation, item analysis and data processes to ensure validity, reliability and fairness of assessments. Finally, it will encourage them to develop descriptive assessment strategies.