The Quality & Qualification Framework (QQF) also known as the Quality and Standards Office (QSO) is an academic support office of the Solomon Islands University (SINU). Under the 2019 restructuring, this newly established office comes under the Pro-Vice Chancellor Academic (PVCA). It plays a critical role in providing advice to the University and staff on quality and standards to ensure all programme offerings are at a comparable standard and quality and meet expectations nationally, regionally and internationally. SINU’s recent adoption of the Australian Qualifications Framework is a prudent move to ensure the University achieves such comparability of standards and quality of its programme offerings as the AQF is an internationally recognized framework.
Roles and Functions
The office’s major roles and functions are encompassed in the following very important SINU Council- approved documents which it has; the office also ensures that these are strictly adhered to.
Quality Assurance Manual
The Quality Assurance Manual sets out the University’s quality processes and aims to provide guidance on all aspects of University quality assurance and enhancement covering both academic and service departments.
Programme Development and Review Policy
The policy ensures that academic programmes are developed and approved in accordance with the Solomon Islands National Qualifications Framework (June 2013) and the strategic direction and policies of SINU. The policy also ensures that all programmes are of high quality, relevant to the discipline or industry, and meet national, regional and international standards.
Academic Policy
The policy ensures that each programme, each award, is structured, delivered and assessed in a fair and consistent manner. It covers everything from registration and full-time enrolment, academic conduct, assessment, progression and pathways through to graduation.
Qualifications Framework
SINU programmes need to comply with the standards established by the Qualifications Frameworks (QFs).
In its 2019 review of the QFs, SINU Senate adopted the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). The necessary was done and permission to use the AQF was granted in May 2020. As such the SICHE/SINU QF is now replaced by the AQF. There is now work on the ground to ensure that all units and programmes are compliant with the requirements set in the AQF.
Other responsibilities include:
- Contributing to the development and review of policies, regulations, guidelines, procedures for quality and standards.
- Monitoring quality and standards across the University and ensuring that this major part of the office’s role impacts the change desired, through visits, communications and workshops.
- Facilitating the submission of the list of programmes that require approval or review, twice-yearly; in February and July.
- Ensuring that all newly proposed programmes, from initial to full proposals, use the standard templates and fulfil all requirements under each template.
- Providing assistance and guidance to programme reviewers in preparing self-review requirements and documentation.
- Maintaining an up-to-date record (documentation) of all SINU programme offerings.
- Ensuring that all units of each programme are compliant with the standard unit descriptor template.
- Maintaining links with stakeholders such as the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MEHRD), Industries and potential employers, Professional Bodies and others alike to ensure training requirements are met.
- Conducting daily audits of all classes, documenting and reporting these to the relevant offices, to ensure students get the maximum benefit from all their classes.
- Requiring regular reports from faculties and institutes on student progress for the development of remedial measures, as seen necessary.
- Ensuring that mandatory reports as per the policies are understood and submitted to the QSO as required.