Unit Code:Β FOR515
Unit Title: Wood Science and Technology
The unit introduces the students to the basic knowledge on wood science and forest utilization which covers the following instructional areas: the anatomy of wood, structure and chemistry of wood and its various end uses, the physical and chemical properties of wood as a raw material; the mechanical properties of wood; the relationship between wood properties and wood utilization, show the influence of wood structure on the physical properties of wood, and to its susceptibility to insect and fungal decay, the need to produce certain forest product, its treatment and its marketability, preservation method of timber seasoning, principles of drying, air drying vs. kiln drying, understand the principles of timber grading and how they are made, the range of forest products, the industrial processes that convert round wood, pulpwood and mill refuse into these useful products, development of value-adding processes for import and export. Calculating the volume of timber conversion methods toΒ furniture & other products, minor forest products and non-timber forest products.