Unit Code: FOR514
Unit Title: Forest Policy and Legislation
The unit introduces the students with knowledge on forest laws and policy which covers; Land tenure system in the Solomon Islands and how it affects Forest Policy and formulation. Have an understanding of the relationship between the Act and Policy the reflection of the policy must be underlined in any Forestry Act. Have an in depth knowledge of the Forest Resources and Timber Utilization Act 1969 and its application or implementation. Discussion will be centered around the area of Timber right acquisition process. The process of obtaining a milling license should also be understood. Briefly mentioning other Acts related to Forestry operations and the 1998 Environmental Act that highlighted the requirements of a Development Consent (the Environmental Impact Assessment). Discuss areas the current Forest Resources and Timber Utilization Act of 1969 is silent about. Student will also acquire knowledge of the current updated protection and conservation effort made in the Solomon Islands by Non-Government Organization (NGO) and our development partners. This unit will also look into the consultation effort (budget) and the 2020 revision of the Forest Resources and Timber Utilization Act 1969 (as amended) and how it affected the implementation of cross cutting issues such as climate change or REDD+ or reforestation on customary land.